Latest ATO Scam

Scammers target taxpayers in voicemail hoax
The tax office has found that scammers are now leaving taxpayers voicemail messages, with threats to penalise and punish for tax debts. They also accuse the recipients of suspected tax evasion. “The scammers claim to be from the ATO and many threaten that a warrant for the person’s arrest will be issued if they do not call the scammer back on the phone number provided,” the ATO said in a statement released this week.
Taxpayers using the services of a tax agent should know that the ATO will unlikely contact them directly to discuss tax related issues. So if you receive a call from someone at the ATO you should be cautious and even ask for their phone number so you can call them back to verify where they are calling from. Remember that you don’t have to provide any details over the phone and you should run it past your tax agent before divulging any information whatsoever.
The scammers are getting quite sophisticated with modern technology. Recently, scammers were sending out fake e-mails asking people to complete a ‘tax refund form’ to receive a refund. They ask for online banking details, credit card numbers and other personal information that allows them to fraudulently take your money. If you receive one of these e-mails do not click or save the attachment as it may contain a virus and harm your computer.
The ATO have an up to date list of scams which you can access here.
If you are unsure if a phone call or voicemail is from the ATO, you should contact us before providing any information.